The Guy Gagliardi Award

The Guy Gagliardi Award is intended to honor an individual who provided outstanding service to the Fratellanza Society and the Italian Community for many years. It is a lifetime achievement award that may only be presented to an individual that has been a member of the Fratellanza Society for at least ten years, and can only be presented to an individual once. The Guy Gagliardi Award is presented by the President of the Fratellanza Society each year at the Annual Banquet. Nominations are accepted from the membership and the awardee is selected by a committee of five that is chaired by the Immediate Past President of the Fratellanza Society.

The Guy Gagliardi Award was first presented at the 125th Anniversary Banquet of the Fratellanza Society which was held in November, 1991. It was meant to be a tribute to Guy Gagliardi. Guy was a member of the Fratellanza for over fifty years and a member of the Circolo Society. In that time, Guy was one of the most vocal advocates for the Fratellanza Society. He consistently was responsible for encouraging people to become active with the Fratellanza and attend the social functions. His devotion and dedication to this society should serve as an inspiration to us all.

Guy's service to the Italian American community did not stop with the Fratellanza. He was active in many other organizations. In the early 1970's he was responsible for starting Italian language classes on The Hill. He was founder of the North County Italian Seniors Club. He was an officer of the Italian Club of St. Louis and was a charter member of the Monsignor Palumbo Council of the Knights of Columbus. He was a member of the St. Louis Columbus Parade Committee and the St. Louis Bocce Club.

Guy Gagliardi Award Winners

Lifetime Achievement

1991 - Guy A. Gagliardi(Click for photo)

1992 - Gino Mariani(Click for photo)

1993 - Joseph Zucchero(Click for photo)

1994 - Joseph C. Martorana(Click for photo)

1995 - Joseph A. Bagatti(Click for photo)

1996 - Joseph V. LaGreek, Sr.(Click for photo)

1997 - Antonino Lombardo(Click for photo)

1998 - Angelo Sita(Click for photo)

1999 - Reverend Leo J. Spezia(Click for photo)

2000 - William A. Vaccaro(Click for photo)

2001 - John L. Vincenzo(Click for photo)

2002 - Frank V. Biondo(Click for photo)

2003 - Aldo Dela Croce(Click for photo)

2005 - J. Kim Tucci(Click for photo)

2006 - Joe Tucci(Click for photo)

2007 - Paul J. Grundhauser(Click for photo)

2008 - Robert M. Hawkins(Click for photo)

2009 - Richard Henefer(Click for photo)

2010 - Nicholas A. Damico(Click for photo)

2011 - John J. DeBellis(Click for photo)

2012 - Bernard H. Garvels, Jr.(Click for photo)

2013 - Dennis C. Deering(Click for photo)

2014 - Jack L. Tocco(Click for photo)

2015 - John Curt Marsala(Click for photo)

2016 - Daniel J. Biondo(Click for photo)

2019 - Scott T. Sundhausen(click for photo)




The Antonio Curotto Award

The Antonio Curotto Award is intended to honor an individual who provided outstanding service to the Fratellanza Society during the past year. It is intended to be awarded as a member of the year award for a member of the Fratellanza Society, and therefore, prior accomplishments should not be brought into consideration during the deliberation for this award. The Antonio Curotto Award may be presented to someone for his service to the Fratellanza Society and/or the Italian American community, and may be presented to an individual more than one time. Nominations for the Antonio Curotto Award must be submitted by at least three members of the Fratellanza Society in good standing. The awardee is selected by a committee of five, chaired by the Immediate Past President of the Fratellanza Society. The Antonio Curotto Award is then presented by the President of the Fratellanza Society each year at the Annual Banquet.

The Antonio Curotto Award was first presented at the Annual Banquet of the Fratellanza Society in November, 1996. It is named in honor of Antonio Curotto, the first President of the Fratellanza Society. He was born in Genoa, Italy in 1840. In his early 20's he immigrated to the United States and settled in St. Louis. He was operating a restaurant and saloon which was located at 55 South Fourth Street. Antonio convinced several of his fellow Italian merchants into establishing an Italian benevolent society. This group met on October twenty-third, 1866, with subsequent meetings on October thirteenth, and again on November fifth. The fourth meeting was held on November twelfth, at which 101 men attended. This is the official birth date of the Fratellanza Society. The support from the Italian community was evident since there were approximately 600 Italians in St. Louis at that time.

Antonio Curotto was elected as the first President of the Fratellanza Society and he served three terms. He was instrumental in organizing the first Columbus Parade for St. Louis in 1867. Antonio Curotto helped establish the first school for Italians in St. Louis and he was responsible for convincing the Fratellanza to purchase a cemetary plot in Calvary Cemetary. Antonio died at the age of thirty-one on May 5, 1871. He was buried in the Fratellanza Society plot and most of the 104 members of the Fratellanza attended his funeral.

While he died an early death, his legacy, The Fratellanza Society lives on.

Antonio Curotto Award Winners

Member of the Year

1996 - Robert M. Hawkins(Click for photo)

1997 - Dennis C. Deering(Click for photo)

1998 - Dominic R. Vitale(Click for photo)

1999 - Bernard H. Garvels, Jr.(Click for photo)

2000 - John R. Guth(Click for photo)

2001 - Paul J. Grundhauser(Click for photo)

2002 - Angelo Sita(Click for photo)

2003 - Joseph E. Moore(Click for photo)

2004 - Paul J. Grundhauser(Click for photo)

2005 - Antonino Lombardo(Click for photo)

2006 - Raymond B. Garvels(Click for photo)

2007 - Reverend Leo J. Spezia(Click for photo)

2008 - Angelo Sita(Click for photo)

2009 - Jeffery W. Saunchegraw(Click for photo)

2010 - Robert M. Hawkins(Click for photo)

2011 - Robert M. Hawkins(Click for photo)

2012 - Jack L. Tocco(Click for photo)

 2013 - Antonino Lombardo(Click for photo)

2014 - Vincenzo DiPiazza(Click for photo)

2015 - Nickolas DiMartinoClick for photo)

2016 - Angelo Sita(Click for photo)

2017 - James N. Andretto Foster Jr.(Click for photo)

2018 - Christopher M. Carrillo(Click for photo)

2019 - Joseph Bilenchi(Click for photo)

2020 - Robert M. Hawkins(Click for photo)

2021 - Bishop Mark S. RivitusoClick for photo)

2021 - Reverend Leo J. SpeziaClick for photo)

2022 - Sanford A. Rabushka(click for photo)

2023 - Gerald J. Spavale(click for photo)






The Reverend Leo J. Spezia Award

The Reverend Leo J. Spezia Award honors an individual who has provided outstanding service to the Italian American community of St. Louis who is not a member of the Fratellanza Society. It is a lifetime service award and may only be presented to an individual once. The award is presented by Rev. Leo J. Spezia at the Annual Banquet. It was first presented at the One Hundred and Froty-Third Annual Banquet of the Fratellanza Society in November, 2009. It is a tribute to Rev. Leo J. Spezia. Father Leo joined the Fratellanza Society in 1976 several months after he was ordained a priest. He has served as Chaplain of the Fratellanza Society since joining and was Chaplain of the Circolo Sociale for many years. Fr. Leo's service to the Italian American community did not stop with the Fratellanza Society. He has served as Chaplain for many other Italian American organizations including several terms as National Chaplain for UNICO National. Fr. Leo was presented the Guy Gagliardi Lifetime Achievement award in 1999 and the Antonio Curotto Member of the Year award in 2007.

Reverend Leo J. Spezia Award Winners

Lifetime Service

2009 - Monsignor Vincent Bommarito *

2010 - Chris Saracino

2011 - Pete Vitale

2012 - Gina Galati

2013 - Gaspare (Jay) DiMaggio

2014 - Carmelo (Mel) Desemone *

2015 - Martino (Scott) Biondo

2016 - Miguel A. Carretero

2017 - David A. Passanise *

2018 - Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso *

2019 - Sam Orlando Sr.

2021 - Joseph Puleo

2023 - Lorenza Pasetti

2023 - Dan Abel



* - Joined the Fratellanza Society after winning the award.




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